where breast cancer survivors compete for a cause and fight for a cure

The 2012 Miss Pink Pageant will be held at the Danversport Yacht Club on March 17th, 2012!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Carter's Miss Pink Pandora and Jewelry Party!!! JUNE 8th, 2011 6-8 pm


Breast Cancer Survivors Add Sparkle to
Carter’s Diamonds and Fine Jewelry of Danvers

DANVERS, MASS - On June 8th starting at 6pm, Carters Diamonds and Fine Jewelry in Danvers off of 114 http://cartersdiamonds.com will be hosting a Miss Pink Pandora & Jewelry Party. The Miss Pink Pandora party is a jewelry party that will showcase great items, perfect for gifts, especially this time of year. This event is free to the public and will offer wine tasting and appetizers, graciously donated by Boon Island Ales of Wells, Maine. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Miss Pink Pageant.

The Miss Pink Pageant is an organization that donates 100% of its proceeds to various local breast cancer charities including Breast Friends and The Ellie Fund. The Miss Pink Pageant gathers breast cancer survivors to join in this cause and at the same time recognizes the survivors (pink warriors) as pure representation of beauty and courage.

The Miss Pink Pandora Party will showcase Miss Pink 2011, Donna Wadden and her team of Pink Warriors as they add an additional sparkle to the evening. These ladies will present the Ellie Fund and Breast Friends organization with a donation check on behalf of this years Miss Pink Pageant, which was held this past April at the Danversport Yacht Club.

Please join us for a great night out and a chance to support your local heroes. This event you will not want to miss. For more information, please go to www.misspinkpageant.com. If you have any questions, please email Ashley
at MissPinkPageant@gmail.com.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Congratulations Donna Wadden, our Miss Pink 2011

We are so excited to announce that this year's Miss Pink 2011, although an extremely tough choice, is Donna Wadden of Andover, MA. She will spend the year acting as a spokesperson for Miss Pink and the fight against breast cancer.

Meet her, along with the Pink Warriors June 8th at Carter's Diamonds and Fine Jewelry in Danvers off of 114 for the Carter's Miss Pink Pandora and Jewelry Party! This event is free, however with every purchase of an item, a portion goes to the Miss Pink Pageant! Come support our cause!